Saturday, May 5, 2012


preeti is complete!! yess!! finally i got all 6 done. now... to figure out frames.. HELP!!!!


almost finished!!! :)


face coming along nicely. going to let it dry and work up rest of figure.


this is crazy and should be out of the question--but it's just something i have to do. if i don't i'll never be able to sleep well.
i think i've finally lost my mind. 
everyone... approach with caution

Friday, May 4, 2012


this is where i left off on preeti. I want to make hte face look a bit more like her. i also want to improve the dress and do something with the background. wish me luck! last painting!!! :)))))


Stephanie -my grand odalisque-is complete! 
This was really a challenge but i'm happy with the way it came out :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Stephanie update

base for stephanie. going to have to work up the fabric really well. also gotta watch my shadows. need to make this as believable as possible. this one is way different from the other so I can't really approach it the same way. 


For this painting my best friend Stephanie agreed to pose nude in homage to Odalisque paintings. This painting is very intimidating because i've never had to much body to paint before. I'm usually just painting a face and arms. this is going to be a real challenge!