Monday, January 30, 2012


I'm really trying to get back an understanding of fabric/drapery and how it falls/folds. this was an exercise that i used to help me figure out this process. below are a series of records showing my progress. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Beginning of the end. dun dun dunnnn

OMG! i can't believe that my time here is almost over. It seems like just yesterday that i was handing in my acceptance card. man..
but the show must end with a bang! However, I'm still trying to figure out what that is. I don't have a set structure as of yet but I do know that I want to draw and paint. I admire Caravaggio, leonardo, Sargent, and many more artists and I think i will drawing inspiration from them.  For this evenings class I'm going to do an exercise that has never failed to inspire me.  I have some canvas paper that I had in storage all this time. I  plan to lay it out in very nice folds and get some good lighting with strong contrast on it. I will then study the drapery in drawing.

I'm pretty sure i want to work on portraits. I like the idea of strong darks and lights that can be found in caravaggios works.
Also I admire Leonardos sfumato technique seen here in his madonna of the rocks. I also really like the gentle twists of the body and how he portrayed the hands and feet.
So all though i'm not one hundred percent sure what I will be working on I will work on my study of folds (hopefully creating something I find beautiful from this) and then take it from there :D

"where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art." - Leonardo da Vinci